Today’s blog post is written with my coaching hat on, not Extra Help Claire or The Approved Franchise Association Claire, this is me and this is what I do and how I try to keep positive, even when things are tough …
I’m very lucky that I can take myself off for a walk on the beach when I need to!
Each year around this time I like to sit down and think of the year coming, set some goals, think about the things I’d like to achieve and how I’m going to do that, but firstly I feel it’s important to take some time to reflect on the year past.
“For me personally, it’s been
a mixed year!”
There have been good times, but in general, it’s been challenging. Let’s say I won’t be sorry to see the end of 2015! I do however have very high expectation of 2016 as I feel it’s really important to keep a positive attitude whatever is going on in your life and I know sometimes that can be really tough.
This is a quote I read yesterday which really resonated with me: “Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you’ve come; remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won and all the fears you have overcome.“
So when reflecting on the year we’re leaving and looking forward to the year ahead, try and hold on to the positive parts, let the negative things go. I’m lucky I live down in Plymouth by the sea, so when I feel stressed or ‘stuck’, I take myself off for a walk on the beach. I often have a chat with myself while I’m there, I talk to those already passed from this world, I ask for guidance and strength and generally I feel so much better.
One of my favourite Christmas presents this year was a jar of quotes, a jar full of inspiration, love and laughter; you read one each day. What a simple idea, but an amazing gift. Today’s quote was “Remember that every good friend was once a stranger.‘ I’m blessed with many friends whom I love dearly, they really are the family we choose.
“I’m generally a positive person, my friends often say I’m the most positive person they know!”
I think I must drive people mad with it sometimes, but I do like to look on the bright side and find that silver lining, even when things are really tough. There’s nearly always a positive to be found. I’m by no way perfect and, of course, have my down days too, but I always know tomorrow will be better.
Thank you for reading our blog posts in 2015 and I’d like to wish you all an amazing 2016!
Until next time …
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