Extra Help recently received the results of our Franchisee Satisfaction Benchmark (FSB) survey and it’s official, our franchisees around the country think we’re doing a great job …
The results are in and Extra Help scored 93%! What a great achievement!
We engaged Smith & Henderson, a leading independent franchise consultancy, to conduct our FSB survey. Our franchisees were invited to participate in an anonymous, online questionnaire, which comprised of thirty-two questions about their franchise ownership experience.
Using a consistent methodology, Smith & Henderson have now assigned Extra Help with an overall FSB score and the highest performing franchisors was recognised at the Best Franchise Awards, sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland.
Franchisees were asked to rate subjects such as:
Our franchise system itself
The training and support offered to them
Culture and relationships
Value and rewards
Stewardship (the effectiveness of the franchisor’s leadership, fairness of policies and restrictions etc)
General satisfaction
Here are the results from these different categories:
Based on these scores, we were granted an overall FSB score of 93% and can, therefore, conclude that our franchisees are really happy with the service we’re providing!
Some of the areas where we performed particularly well are as follows:
Culture and Relationships
We were so pleased to receive an impressive 100% positive responses for these questions! Franchisees were asked whether they felt valued by us and if they were treated with respect. At Extra Help, we strive to establish and maintain regular, meaningful, two-way communication with our franchisees, so it’s fantastic to hear that our efforts in this area are recognised.
Franchise System
The positive responses we received indicate that our franchisees are very satisfied with our business model and appreciate that, if they follow the system, they will be successful. They all appreciate that the services we offer are superior to that of the competition and feel they are sufficiently empowered to react to local market needs.
General Satisfaction
We were particularly happy to hear that all respondents said they would recommend Extra Help to others and, if they had their time again, would happily invest in an Extra Help franchise! Nearly all of them said they are committed to growing their business and believed that we would act on the results of the survey, which is extremely encouraging.
So, what has this survey highlighted to us in terms of areas for further development? Some of the franchisees who responded indicated that we could improve our marketing of the brand at a national level and increase our field and peer support, to include more regular Skype calls and regional meetings.
“These are all areas that we will be looking to improve upon as we take all feedback extremely seriously!”
However, in conclusion, I am extremely encouraged by these positive results and would like to thank our Extra Help franchisees for taking the time to complete the survey, and for all of their lovely comments!
Until next time …
PS: If you would like to receive a copy of the full survey report, please give me a call on 0845 618 2904.
PPS: Why not visit www.extra-help.co.uk and find out more?