Lone Working Policy

All Team Members are self-employed; however, Extra Help Ltd offers guidance to help Team Members take reasonable care of themselves and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any risk to the service user from lone working is fully considered (Safeguarding Policy). Risk assessments will be regularly reviewed and adjusted as necessary.

Management will ensure this policy is widely disseminated, implemented and monitored across all home helpers. A copy will be included in the Team Member’s welcome pack and is available online via our welcome portal. If you require a printed version please alert your local franchise owner as soon as possible.

The Company will ensure that:

  • the Team Member is made aware of the guidelines of risk assessment;
  • emergency procedures are in place so that Team Members working alone can obtain assistance if required
  • any Team Member working alone is capable of undertaking the work alone
  • arrangements are in place so that Management is aware of a lone worker’s whereabouts
  • persons working alone are provided with adequate information, instruction and training to understand the hazards and risks and the safe working procedures associated with working alone
  • training records are kept

Team Members will:

  • follow the safe working arrangements developed by Extra Help Ltd for lone working
  • Check in and out on the Birdie app to keep your local branch owner (manager) informed when you have arrived and are leaving visits.
  • request accompanied visits where it is felt appropriate
  • take reasonable steps to ensure their own safety
  • be aware of risks and hazards to which they may be exposed and know what to do if something goes wrong
  • inform Management of any incidents or safety concerns

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